Farmers’ Markets

For many years the demands of modern living have fuelled the profileration of supermarkets – vast indoor mazes of season-resistant pre-packaged foods that never close.  A place where appearance is everything. A battle ground for our senses and it’s our sight that’s in the firing line.

But there is an alternative. You can buy directly from a farmer. I know – it’s a wild and crazy concept. You meet a farmer at a pre-arranged location. He is selling lamb, swedes and turnips. You look him in the eye. You marvel at his meat and two veg. You choose someting.  You put some money directly into his hand.  You exchange pleasanties. And you walk away.  Clutching the finest looking root vegetable you have ever laid eyes upon.  Welcome to the concept of a farmers market.

South Wales Farmers’ Markets

There are a number of excellent farmers’ markets across South Wales where farmers and producers bring their produce for sale direct to the public.  They are accredited by the UK’s National Association of Farmers Markets to ensure standards are maintained.   There are also a number of good farm shops and farm co-operatives in the region where local farmers sell directly to the public, avoiding the FTSE100 middle men. This part of our Guide to South Wales is where you can find information about our favourite South Wales farmers markets.

If you are visiting Wales on holiday, we thoroughly recommend you visit one of the farmers markets as not only will you be able to buy fresh healthy products but it is also a wonderful cultural experience – the atmosphere is great, you’ll get to sample local foods and meet some wonderful country characters.

As a tourism business, we feel it is very important to support our local farmers markets.   Although supermarkets play an important part in modern society, they also create a problem for the local farmers who have to compete with farmers in different countries where living standards and costs may be considerably lower.  The rise of farmers markets has allowed local farmers more economic space to live in whilst providing the public with a freshness and quality of product that is hard to come by in large stores.  In 1997, there was not a single farmers market in the UK.  There are now over five hundred.